early spring garden tasks

Honestly, I have been absolutely UNmotivated to start anything in the garden. Part of that is because of the “false spring” we had when it started snowing and being really cold again. Part of that is my job keeps me very occupied, and I’ve never been much good at balance. And I often get overwhelmed when taking on too much, so this year I have LEFT it. And guess what – I have not started ANY seeds indoors – WHAT.

Okay, so today it was a really beautiful day and I noticed that my garlic was already popping up (managed to plant it on time last October – go me). I have some stellar gardening accounts that I follow on Instagram, and one of those is @urbangardeningcanada. Last year she was working in a community garden and showed some trenching they had done for water retention, so I decided then I was going to do that with my garden this year. I managed to trench one of the beds today, and it looks a mess, but I’ve never been much for tidy, pretty gardens. I like it messy and wild, like nature intended (also less effort – woo).

While on the topic of @urbangardeningcanada: there is a helpful Sproutbox Garden link on her website that I decided I would try for my greenhouse this year to actually utilize the space. I got the 9-in-1 model, and I’m sure I’ll post about it when it’s here. You can use the code: UGC10 to get a discount, try a cool new product, and help out a Canadian gardener.

In my trenching adventure, which I don’t want to show you because of how asymmetrical it is, I forgot about some cosmos that I had planted last year. Luckily they came up in one, safe swoop, so when I saw them sitting happily in my shovel, I planted them in a different location straight away (hoping they’ll not be too upset with me…).

Next I decided to turn my compost for the first time, because I am not worried about the temperatures killing off my worms like it did last year (just regular worms – I do not put composting worms into the backyard compost because they would just die). I put some of the finished compost around my raspberries.

The back of my yard was a largely unused space with a few sporadic tulips that I will move to a different location once they’re done blooming. This space I want for sunflowers because I never could think of a good space for sunflowers. I still have some seeds from last year, so I will plant a nice row of sunflowers at the back.

I also removed a lot of the leaves from my strawberry plants, so they can start soaking up some sunlight. There is lots of new growth on them already, and many of the leaves are greening brightly. Lovely things. I had a good strawberry crop last year, so I’m hoping for the same this year. And we’ll see about those raspberries… *grumble*.

Well, that’s it for now. I’m also thinking I will move a forsythia and perhaps find a spot for a new plum tree.

Also, I definitely overdid it and my back will not be happy for Easter. Ha!

In love and compost,

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